[BR] Nightly Garbage Run (TR 77). Nightly Garbage Run (TR 77). g

Nightly Garbage Run (TR 77). Nightly Garbage Run (TR 77). game tells me i lose when i play it....

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: Rocket-LC (2002)
Battle started between hek86 and JustHeady!
hek86 took a mulligan. They will continue taking mulligans after JustHeady places an Active Pokémon (and Benched, if any).
Mulligan phase: hek86 took 1 additional mulligans
Coin flip result: TAILS
JustHeady will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
JustHeady played Good Manners.
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
Put Cleffa onto bench
JustHeady played The Boss's Way.
Selected: [Dark Gengar (N4 6)]
Dark Gengar (N4 6) is put to hand.
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
Gastly retreated.
Cleffa is now active
Attached a Psychic Energy (G2 131) to Cleffa.
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
JustHeady drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
Chaos Gym is now in play.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
Put Zubat onto bench
Put Gastly onto bench
Attached a Psychic Energy (G2 131) to Gastly.
Chaos Gym (G2 102) will be discarded as Resistance Gym (G2 109) is played.
Chaos Gym (G2 102) was discarded
Resistance Gym is now in play.
JustHeady played Good Manners.
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
Put Zubat onto bench
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
JustHeady drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
Hoothoot evolved into Noctowl
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Professor Elm (N1 96)] into deck.
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
Gastly evolved into Dark Haunter
Attached a Psychic Energy (G2 131) to Dark Haunter.
[hek86]: bad hand
[hek86]: uff
Cleffa retreated.
Dark Haunter is now active
Dark Haunter used Surround
Coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Haunter did 20 damage to Noctowl
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (N1 106) to Noctowl.
hek86 played Recall.
Noctowl used Hypnosis
Dark Haunter is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Haunter is still asleep
Turn 7 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Dark Haunter
Dark Haunter evolved into Dark Gengar
Dark Haunter (N4 36) is no longer asleep
JustHeady disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
JustHeady reconnected.
JustHeady played Super Scoop Up.
Coin flip result: HEADS
JustHeady disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
JustHeady reconnected.
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
JustHeady has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Super Scoop Up (N1 98)] into deck.
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
Attached a Psychic Energy (G2 131) to Dark Gengar.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Noctowl
Noctowl is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Noctowl is still asleep.
Turn 10 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
hek86 played Pokémon March.
Put Onix onto bench.
hek86 has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fighting Energy (N1 106) to Onix.
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Noctowl is still asleep.
Turn 11 begins
JustHeady drew 1 card
Put Gastly onto bench
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Noctowl
Noctowl (N1 42) is no longer asleep
Noctowl is now asleep
Noctowl was knocked out
Fighting Energy (N1 106) was discarded
Noctowl (N1 42) is no longer asleep
JustHeady took one prize card.
Onix is now active
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
hek86 drew 1 card
Onix evolved into Steelix
Attached a Metal Energy (N1 19) to Steelix.
[hek86]: i cant play nightly garbagerun...
[JustHeady]: bugged ?
[hek86]: game tells me i lose when i play it...
[JustHeady]: wtf