[BR] Evolved Dark Golbat to Dark Crobat which removed confusion

Evolved Dark Golbat to Dark Crobat which removed confusion. Cannot retreat due to an effect. There is no longer an effect.

Game starting
Game type: CAREER
Game format: Rocket-LC (2002)
Player A: hfryan
Player B: subway94
Player B does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player B does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player A drew an extra card.
Player A drew an extra card.
Player A drew an extra card.
Player A drew an extra card.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Player B will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Totodile.
Player B played Pokémon Breeder Fields.
For Totodile coin flip result: TAILS
B has shuffled deck.
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Elekid has used Playful Punch
Coin flip result: TAILS
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Put Oddish onto bench
Attached a Grass Energy to Zubat.
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Put Totodile onto bench
Totodile evolved into Croconaw
Attached a Water Energy to Croconaw.
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
Put Horsea onto bench
EXP.ALL is attached to Totodile
Elekid has used Playful Punch
Coin flip result: TAILS
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Zubat evolved into Dark Golbat
Dark Golbat used Sneak Attack
Croconaw got 10 damage
Attached a Grass Energy to Dark Golbat.
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Horsea evolved into Seadra
Player B played Pokémon Breeder Fields.
For Croconaw coin flip result: TAILS
For Totodile coin flip result: TAILS
B has shuffled deck.
Player B played Bill's Teleporter.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Attached a Water Energy to Croconaw.
Elekid has used Playful Punch
Coin flip result: TAILS
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Put Cleffa onto bench
Oddish evolved into Dark Gloom
Dark Gloom used Pollen Stench
Coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Golbat is now confused
Confused retreat coin flip result: TAILS
Retreat fails because of confusion.
[subway94]: 6 / 6 tails, so fun
Dark Golbat evolved into Dark Crobat
Dark Golbat is no longer confused
Surprise Bite
Croconaw got 20 damage

This issue doesn’t exist anymore